Not paying correctly Rockybay, I should get pay as certificate IV in disability & level 2 pay point 4 should be $35 in hour they paying very less.. Reported on 23/08/2023, in…
My wife's superannuation for financial year 2021-2022 is partially paid. She written emails to employer and made phone calls since she noticed that her superannuation was partially paid but the company keeps on…
I have my Certificate lll but I am paid only 27.37 now but before it was only 26.. Reported on 21/08/2023, in Bassendean, Western Australia.
Shifts being split between participants who live in a single house but it is divided by a door and gate that are locked at all times and described by the owner as requiring…
Multiple 1-1 participants only getting one carer between 2-3 individuals.. Reported on 21/08/2023, in Clarence Town, New South Wales.
No break allotted or approved for any shift, typically all shifts are 8 hours. Reported on 21/08/2023, in Clarence Town, New South Wales.
Worked active night the morning after staff did not arrive I stayed back extra time 1.5 hours the hours were added on the next day so I did not get paid overtime. Reported…
bullying. Reported on 18/08/2023, in Colac, Victoria.
Applied for a line at a house l have been working at consecutively for 5 months . Was not told l had been unsuccessful from upper management. Other person that acquired said…
Losing shifts that are vacant putting name down for those shifts first , only to lose said shift to permanent staff as they haven't looked at what's vacant first. Happening across all houses..…